This module has been insightful and fun to be in. The topics each week had touched on communication issues which we use on a daily basis, yet until taking this module, they didn't seem very significant and had hardly noticed them at all. For example, listener's responses and telephone openings and closings. It is part of our everyday speech yet I had overlooked it all my life!
I particularly enjoyed the lecture on CMC. It is something that I can really relate to, and can easily see the things we had learnt being applied to my daily CMC. I also liked the lecture on gender differences. It is something related to my project, and through both the lecture and the project, I discovered some interesting differences between males and females, but it mostly boils down to the same few reasons. We humans are fundamentally so simple aren't we?
I also like that this module is has a different mode of assessment. Such as this blogging reflections thing. Although it can be quite tedious to keep up with the weekly deadlines, it is still more fun than having to submit multiple papers or tests.
On a side note, the title of this blog post has nothing to do with Micheal Jackson's movie. Just that this is my last time having to submit anything for school (sans the report and exams blah blah blah), it is like sort of significant, seeing how after this I will be graduating. I think taking this module had been at an appropriate time, seeing how some of the things that have been taught in this module might come in handy during work, such as politness maxims and the like.
Not to say that we all have to go through such a course to know what politness and communication is all about, it is just that through this course, I am sure most of us are now more aware of the nuances of communication and speech.
With that, thank you, Dr. Deng for the enjoyable course, and dear classmates for the stimulating discussions and the fun time we've had in class. =)
I agree with you that this module is especially apt in our University years because when we graduate, we can employ all these concepts in the corporate world. Congratulations on your graduation! =)